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Common client and server errors

Amadeus for Developers Self-Service APIs use HTTP status codes to communicate whether a request has been successfully processed.

Types of errors

There two main types of errors are:

  • Client: typically occur when the request has not been properly built.
  • Server: occur when there is an issue on the server side.

Client errors

If your API request is invalid, you will receive a Client Error response with an HTTP 4xx status code. The body of the response will match the format defined in our swagger schema and provide details about the error.

Authorization errors

400 Bad request - Unsupported grant type

Occurs when using a grant type other than client credentials. For more information, read our Authorization Guide.

    "error": "unsupported_grant_type",
    "error_description": "Only client_credentials value is allowed for the body parameter grant_type",
    "code": 38187,
    "title": "Invalid parameters"

401 Unauthorized - Invalid access token

Occurs when the access token provided in the Authorization header is expired or not longer valid. You must generate a new token.

  "errors": [
        "code": 38190,
        "title": "Invalid access token",
        "detail": "The access token provided in the Authorization header is invalid",
        "status": 401

401 Unauthorized - Invalid client

Occurs when the client credentials have an invalid format and are not recognized.

    "error": "invalid_client",
    "error_description": "Client credentials are invalid",
    "code": 38187,
    "title": "Invalid parameters"

401 Unauthorized - Invalid HTTP header

The Authorization header is missing or its format invalid, e.g. the required word "Bearer" is wrongly spelled or not present at all in the Authorization header in an API request.

    "errors": [
            "code": "38191",
            "title": "Invalid HTTP header",
            "detail": "Missing or invalid format for mandatory Authorization header",
            "status": "401"

401 Unauthorized – Access token expired

The access token sent by the client is expired. Access tokens are only valid for 30 minutes. To ease the generation of access tokens you can use our SDKs.

    "errors": [
            "code": 38192,
            "title": "Access token expired",
            "detail": "The access token is expired",
            "status": 401

401 Unauthorized – Access token revoked

The access token has been revoked. Please generate a new one.

    "errors": [
            "code": 38193,
            "title": "Access token revoked",
            "detail": "The access token is revoked",
            "status": 401

401 Unauthorized –API revoked

The API credentials have been revoked. This could be because we found it searchable in a public repository, in this case you can generate new keys in your Self-Service workspace. Or it could be that you have unpaid bills and we revoked your access, if that is the case please contact support.

    "errors": [
            "code": 39683,
            "title": "API key revoked",
            "detail": "The API key is revoked",
            "status": 401

401 Unauthorized – Invalid API key

The API key used is invalid. Please check for spaces in the end and make sure you are using the correct key and case URL.

    "errors": [
            "code": 39686,
            "title": "Invalid API key",
            "detail": "The API key is invalid",
            "status": 401

Data Format Errors

400 Bad request - Invalid format

Occurs when an input query parameter is incorrect. In the example below, the Airport & City Search API returns an error because the location parameter is not in the expected IATA standard.

    "errors": [
            "status": 400,
            "code": 477,
            "title": "INVALID FORMAT",
            "detail": "City/Airport - 3 characters [IATA code]( from which the traveler will depart.",
            "source": {
                "parameter": "origin"

403 Forbidden

The HTTP protocol is used instead of HTTPS when making the API call. Or you are attempting to reach an endpoint which requires additional permission.

    "errors": [
            "code": 38197,
            "title": "Forbidden",
            "detail": "Access forbidden",
            "status": 403

Too Many Requests Errors

429 Too many requests

Too many requests are sent in the given timeframe. Please check our rate limits and adjust accordingly for the targeted environment and API.

    "errors": [
            "code": 38194,
            "title": "Too many requests",
            "detail": "The network rate limit is exceeded, please try again later",
            "status": 429

429 Quota limit exceeded

The number of free transactions allowed in test has been reached for this month. Please consider moving your app to production or wait next month to keep using the APIs.

    "errors": [
            "code": 38195,
            "title": "Quota limit exceeded",
            "detail": "The quota limit is exceeded.",
            "status": 429

Resource Errors

404 Not found - Resource not found

Occurs when the endpoint or URL does not exist. Make sure you are calling a valid endpoint and that there are no spelling errors.

    "errors": [
            "code": 38196,
            "title": "Resource not found",
            "detail": "The targeted resource doesn't exist",
            "status": 404

Server errors

If an error occurs during the execution of your request, you will receive a Server error resonse with an HTTP 5xx status code. The body will match the defined error format, allowing your application to read it and display an appropriate message to the client. It may also contain debugging information which you can submit to us to further investigate the error.

500 Internal error

    "errors": [
            "code": 38189,
            "title": "Internal error",
            "detail": "An internal error occured, please contact your administrator",
            "status": 500

Last update: October 1, 2024