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Free test data collection of Self-Service APIs

Amadeus for Developers offers a test environment with free limited data. This allows developers to build and test their applications before deploying them to production. To access real-time data, you will need to move to the production environment.


It is important to note that the test environment protects our customers and data and it's exclusively intended for development purposes.

Test vs Production

The test environment has the following differences with the production:

Billing Rate Limits Data Base URL
Test Free monthly quota 10 TPS Limited, cached
Production Unlimited 40 TPS Unlimited, real-time

Check out the rate limits guide and pricing page if you want to get more information on the specific topics. In this tutorial you can learn how to build a mock server in Postman to help you consume less of your free quota.


Please note that in the production environment, you will only be charged for API calls that exceed the monthly free limit. Our Flight Order Management API, for instance, may offer a free limit of up to 10,000 calls. So, by registering for production, you can enjoy the benefits of free quotas while accessing our APIs for the latest and unrestricted data without any hidden costs.

API usage

To make sure you don't pass your monthly quota, you can go to My Self-Service Workspace > API usage and quota and review how many transactions you've performed. In case you pass the limit, you will need to wait for the new month and your quota will be renewed.


It may take up to 12 minutes to display your most recent API calls.

The table below details the available test data for each Self-Service API:

Test Data Collection


API Test data
Flight Inspiration Search Cached data including most origin and destination cities.
Flight Cheapest Date Search Cached data including most origin and destination cities.
Flight Availabilities Search Cached data including most origin and destination cities/airports.
Airport Routes Static dataset containing all airport routes in November 2021.
Airline Routes Static dataset containing all airport routes in November 2021.
Flight Offers Search Cached data including most origin and destination cities/airports.
Flight Offers Price Cached data including most origin and destination cities/airports.
Branded Fares Upsell Cached data including most airlines.
SeatMap Display Works with the response of Flight Offers Search.
Flight Create Orders Works with the response of Flight Offers Price.
Flight Order Management Works with the response of Flight Create Orders.
Flight Price Analysis Contains the following routes in both test and production environments.
Flight Delay Prediction No data restrictions in test.
Airport On-time Performance No data restrictions in test.
Flight Choice Prediction No data restrictions in test.
On Demand Flight Status Contains a copy of live data at a given time and real-time updates are not supported. Check out the differences between test and production environment.
Airline Code Lookup No data restrictions in test.
Airport & City Search Cities/airports in the United States, Spain, the United Kingdom, Germany and India.
Airport Nearest Relevant Cities/airports in the United States, Spain, the United Kingdom, Germany and India.
Flight Check-in Links See list of valid airlines.
Travel Recommendations No data restrictions in test.


API Test data
Hotel List See list of valid hotel chains.
Hotel Search See list of valid hotel chains. Test with major cities like LON or NYC.
Hotel Booking Works with the response of Hotel Search.
Hotel Ratings See list of valid hotels.
Hotel Name Autocomplete Cached data including most hotels available through Amadeus

Destination experiences

API Test data
Points of Interest See list of valid cities.
Tours and Activities See list of valid cities.
City Search No data restrictions in test.

Itinerary management

API Test data
Trip Parser No data restrictions in test.
Trip Purpose Prediction No data restrictions in test.

Market insights

API Test data
Flight Most Traveled Destinations See list of origin and destination cities/airports.
Flight Most Booked Destinations See list of origin and destination cities/airports.
Flight Busiest Traveling Period See list of origin and destination cities/airports.
Location Score See list of valid cities.

Video Tutorial

Check out this video to know more about the differences between Test and Production from Get Started with Amadeus Self-Service APIs Series.

Last update: April 15, 2024